Oliver Twist (Graphic)

  • Book Id:
  • Category:
    Classics, Comics, Fantasy, Junior, Junior +
  • Age Group:
    6-10, 8-12

Oliver Twist's life has been a hard and desperate one. With his mother dying during his birth, and having no idea who his father was, Oliver has spent his first nine years struggling to survive in a world that has little pity for a poor orphan
such as him.
After Oliver gets involved with the nefarious Fagin and the sinister Bill Sikes, he is wounded during a burglary. Oliver is rescued by Sikes's intended victims, the young Rose Maylie, and her guardian, Mrs Maylie. At last, the boy finds a loving
home and people who care for him.
But how long will Oliver's happiness endure, especially when Fagin begins to conspire with a mysterious stranger with a link to the boy's past?

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